Sustainability & Impact

Caring for our environment and community

We aim to elevate sustainable and impact investment practices within the South African venture capital ecosystem based on global best practices.

Our commitment to ESG and Impact Investing

We incorporate ESG considerations into our investment process and governance structures.

  • We have developed an investment policy statement that incorporates sustainable and impact investment practices
  • We communicate to managers that incorporating sustainable and impact investment practices is important
  • We have implemented negative screening for certain investments (e.g. tobacco, weapons etc)
  • We support the principles of the Code for Responsible Investing in South Africa (CRISA)

Sustainable Development Goals

1 No poverty
2 Zero hunger
3 Good health & wellbeing
4 Quality education
5 Gender eqaulity
6 Clean water & sanitation
7 Affordable & clean energy
8 Decent work & economic growth
9 Industry, innovation & infrustructure
10 Reduced inequalities
11 Sustainable cities & communties
12 Responsible consumption & production
13 Climate action
14 Life below water
15 Life on land
16 Peace, justice & strong institutions
17 Partnerships for the goals

Following the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, our focus is on the following objectives:

Our CSI Initiatives


GirlCode is a registered NPO aimed at empowering women through technology. They believe that the more women get involved with technology, design, development and leadership, the more successful and diverse companies and their products will be.

GirlCode is on a mission to empower 10 million women and girls with tech skills by 2030! They offer 100% online, 100% free education to women in the program as well as one-on-one mentorship sessions, career coaching and job placements into their employer partner network.

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